Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Create Positive Changes in Life

Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Create Positive Changes in Life

May 17, 2023

Have you ever prevented yourself from doing something you imagined was out of capacity? As one would expect, most of us have! It is because, in our minds, we create an imaginary barrier to prevent ourselves from pursuing what seems 'complex' and 'impossible to achieve.' While growing up, our good and bad experiences afflict our conscious and subconscious with some 'absolute truths' that are nothing but a figment of our imagination and overthinking. These absolute truths are nothing but our limiting beliefs that originate from a pool of negative episodes that restrict our capacity to experience new opportunities in life.

Limiting Beliefs: Viewing the World through a Filter

Limiting beliefs are a set of ideas that we define in our minds to save ourselves from the disappointment of failure, prevent the feeling of fear, and lose confidence in our abilities. When we try anything experimental outside our comfort zone, this situation makes us vulnerable to the outcomes. In most cases, we make a perspective of ourselves and define the limits of our capabilities based on the results. Hence, in a way, we afflict ourselves with false accusations that prevent us from pursuing 'unique' desires and make us adhere to comfortable and convenient routines that do not challenge our limits and beliefs. In summary, Limiting Beliefs make us seek reasons to affirm our pre-existing limiting beliefs and participate in activities that we think will bring only favorable experiences.

The Negative Effects of Limiting Beliefs

As we grow, these negative thoughts and ideas become deep-seated in our minds to 'prevent' us from feeling emotions such as anger, frustration, embarrassment, pain, etc. However, these beliefs do us more harm than good. Since we record the good and bad experiences and emotions in our minds from a young age, we make these beliefs about ourselves and those we interact with.

Here is how Limiting Beliefs affect our potential to reach greater heights.

1.  Demotivation

A fact that people need to understand is that the loss of motivation is a gradual process. Once the outcome of a task we were determined to accomplish is not in our favor, we create a big-fat boundary in our minds to prevent ourselves from pursuing any goal that we seem to be out of our league. The repeated instances of so-called 'failure' leads to a loss of motivation over time, and we give up even before trying.

2.  Self-doubt

Due to our limiting beliefs, we see the world through a filter. This filter prevents us from seeing reality as it is and makes us believe unreal thoughts. For instance, people avoid applying for a job because of high competition or miss out on the roller coaster ride because they fear they might pass out. These inhibitions give rise to self-doubts, make us feel stuck, and stunt our capabilities to take any initiative.

3.  Narrow Perspective

When our minds are full of negative thoughts, we stop exploring new things and stick to what our system feels comfortable and convenient. While indulging in repetitive activities, we lose our ability to take in the unexplored and unconventional. Subsequently, we develop a restricted perspective towards ideas or attitudes that are 'foreign' to our beliefs and believe what we feel is right.

Creating Positive Changes by Letting Go of Negative Beliefs

To improve the quality of your life and manifest positive changes, the first thing to undertake is letting go of the urge to resist changes. People who embrace changes are happier than those who keep fighting with transformations. Of course, you do not have to go full throttle and throw yourselves into the unexplored. Remember, adapting to changes is a gradual process. Take one step at a time! Once you become comfortable with yourself and embrace your emotions, you become more self-aware, and in this process, you let go of your negative beliefs.

Here is how you can create positive changes and elevate the overall quality of your life.

1.  Identify your triggers

By identifying the stimulus - be it new situations or past trauma experiences - you can improve your situation by seeking assistance from others. If not in person, you can seek help from an online life coach from Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Faridabad, Noida, or any other city. 

2.  Break your Repetitive Patterns

Record your behavioral patterns and triggers, notice how you respond to them, and develop thoughts and actions contrary to your systematic responses. Correspondingly, with every new opportunity, you will learn new things about yourself that will change how you perceive yourself in different situations.

3.  Develop Positive Perspective

To develop a positive perspective, you need to develop new beliefs. Once done, reinforce these new beliefs by sharing their significance with yourself, as it will help you manifest a positive perspective about situations. So, indulge in a heart-to-heart with yourself and witness your life getting transformed.

4.  Take Action

Finally, take actions! Make choices that strengthen your beliefs and embark on a journey that makes you a person with significant mental strength, willpower, and capacities. There are multiple qualified life coaches in cities, including Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyderabad, who can help you develop a positive mindset and motivate you to act.


The manifestation of negative beliefs is indeed a natural process. Our experiences make us develop a thought process, and we leverage our past experiences to make future decisions. However, we should be cognizant that not every opportunity comes with a threat. It is vital to refrain from limiting ourselves due to our fears. Hence, we should explore new opportunities, create positive changes, and break free from negative beliefs to live the life that we deserve!

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