
Soul Discovery (Courses & Programs)

Navigate Life's Challenges, Thrive in Every Moment!

Life is unpredictable and makes us sail through wavy, turbulent, and calm waters! To navigate the crests and troughs of life, we all need guidance that will help us facilitate a smooth journey through the sea of life. So, if you seek the light to guide your way, Transcending Beliefs is here to hold your hand and help you live the best life. We offer a life coaching program to help you heal and build a happier, healthier, and contented life. If you go through persistent stress, blocked creativity, unstable relationships, and dissatisfaction with your progress in life, let us help! Through our diverse life coaching courses & healing workshops, we will gladly help you become aware of your underlying issues and offer insights to navigate challenges and lead a fulfilling life. So, seek help from a Space Clearing Coach to identify your talents, gain self-awareness, and break through barriers that hold you from achieving your life goals.

Inspire, Empower, Achieve - Swearing by this motto, Transcending Beliefs has crafted one of the best life coaching courses online for aspirants to learn the nuances and acquire the skills to become a certified life coach. Through our life coach certification online course, aspirants will learn to help people get clarity and gain momentum toward their goals, enhance confidence, and pass through major life crises. Our coaches have acquired the best life coach certification to root out limiting beliefs of people and help them lead fulfilling lives.

Ready to embark on the journey? Let's go!

Let’s create wellness globally

Upayas, Remedies & Occult Practitioner  Programs
Upayas, Remedies & Occult Practitioner Programs

Transcending Beliefs is proud to offer healing programs to help people balance, direct, and channel energies to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our specialists are experts in leveraging ancient practices to awaken life force energy to empower people to remove energy blockages, balance the chakras, enhance vitality, facilitate personal empowerment, and bring positive changes in attitudes and behaviors. We assist people in...

Healing Through Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been a part of the rich Indian cultural heritage since time immemorial. In today's fast-paced world, it is seen as a time-tested method to improve mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, meditation is more than just a go-to technique for disposing of the stresses of daily life, getting a good night's rest, and escaping from turbulent emotions. However, contrary to modern beliefs, me...

Healing Through Meditation
The Self - Healer’s Programs
The Self - Healer’s Programs

What does self-healing means? The act of healing or repairing oneself from physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, behavioral, psychological, financial and relationship issues through particular medium of healing is known as Self Healing. Self-healing involves behaving wisely, tuning into the true needs of your body, mind, spirit, and soul and making wise choices – to eat the right way, exercise the right way, and get the right amount of sl...

The Practitioner’s Programs

Healing means becoming more whole, more able to accomplish what you wish to accomplish, and more able to enjoy your life. This wholeness may involve the healing of a physical wound, an emotional or mental disturbance, a maladaptive behaviour (rage, addiction, shyness), or conflictual relationships. Our practitioner programs takes our students on a journey that will not only help them heal the world around them but also prioritise their own per...

The Practitioner’s Programs
The Therapist Training Programs
The Therapist Training Programs

Are you keen to explore your inner healing powers? Are you ready to tap into the universal energy available to all of us? Are you willing to use your powers to help the world around you? Then our specialised Therapist & Trainer Programs are definitely meant for you.  Our programs are Gentle Non-invasive   Might or might not use physical touch during energy healing on others Can be customised to fit each person’s individual need...

Divination Workshops

Divination means the practice of seeking knowledge of the past, present or future or the unknown by supernatural or divine means or the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens, foretelling the future, by various natural, psychological, and other techniques. Divination is an important feature of all ancient cultures all over the world. While some may sti...

Divination Workshops
Healing through the knowledge of the  Ancient Indian Vedas
Healing through the knowledge of the Ancient Indian Vedas

We have all heard about the Ancient Vedas that have said to exist long before the universe came into existence. Whether it is the story about the Creation of the Universe or the Big Bang, or about the ideal way of living, the Vedas say it all.  Throughout the ages, many people have read and translated the Vedas, the Upnishads, the Purans and other ancient Indian texts but very few have been able to bring it into a practically applicable form w...

Coming Soon

“The most beautiful thing about the world is how much is unknown to us. There are so many secrets, Hawthorn. So much awaiting discovery. We are merely dust motes in the vastness of the universe.” ― Chelsea Sedoti, The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett With so much to learn and so much to explore, it take time to bring it to you. So here are some workshops & programs that are being created and worked on…stay tuned for more spiritual sparkling mi...

Coming Soon